Participation of academic staff in Conferences (2012)
Перелік доповідей на міжнародних конференціях та симпозіумах, проведених в Україні:
VIIІ th International Conference MEMSTECH 2012 "Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design" 18-21 April 2012, Polyana-Svalyava, Ukraine.
Andrii Pukach, Vasyl Teslyuk, Roman-Andriy Ivantsiv, Roman Zaharyuk. Development of schematic model for measurement and analysis of thermal portrait of integrated devices.
Lobur Mykhailo, Teslyuk Vasyl, Sydor Andriy. Modelling Parameters of Reliability for Composite Embedded Systems.
Mykhaylo Andriychuk. Scattering of EM Waves by Thin Cylinders and Creating the Medium with Negative Refraction.
Stepanyuk Sergiy, Tymoshchuk Pavlo. Time Performance Improvement of Visual Attention Model Based on WTA Neural Network.
Brenych Yana, Tymoshchuk Pavlo. The Winner-Take-All Neural Networks of Classification.
Kolesnyk Konstantin, Panchak Roman, Lidia Kharchenko. Research of stressed state of a mechatronics sensor of a manipulator.
Zenon Hotra, Roman Holyaka, Iryna Yurchak, Tetyana Marusenkova, Victoriya Ilkanych, Iwan Hodynyuk. Noise immunity investigation of Galvanomagnetic Field Sensors.
Halyna Klym, Iryna Yurchak. Reliable. Nanostructured Ceramic Sensors as application to the information measuring systems.
Hanas Yuriy, Kosobutskyy Peter. Reducing the impedance contrast border sections - a method of determining the parameters of layered structures of optical MEMS.
Volodymyr Bondarchuk, Serhii Tkachenko. The Subsystem of the Automated Generation for the Public Transport Alternative Routes with Changes.
Oksana Nemesh, Andriy Romanyuk. Using the Hausser's SLIM Theory and Database Semantics in Information Technology.
Uliana Marikutsa, Olexander Halushko. Object Oriented Approach and Programming Patterns for Disturbed Projects.
Holovatskyy R.I. Development of the infware for research the detection of the objects by passive detectors of movement.
Holovatskyy R.I. Development of the software for research of objects detections of passive detectors of movement.
Pavlo Denysyuk, Taras Paliy, Jaroslav Voloshyn, Vasyl Teslyuk. Informational and Algorithmic Components of Mobile Robotic System.
Pavlo Denysyuk, Jaroslav Voloshyn, Taras Paliy, Vasyl Teslyuk, Iuriі Paterega. The Structure of Mobile Robotic System Based on Arduino Controller.
Ihor Farmaga, Nazariy Javorskyi, Petro Shmigelskyi. Class Model of Finite Element Mesh Generators for Heat Transfer Problem in Composite Materials.
Rostyslav Kryvyy, Serhii Tkachenko, Volodymyr Karkuljovskyy. Peculiarities of Application Genetic Operators in The Parallelization Process of Genetic Search.
Iaroslav Vasyliuk, Vasyl Teslyuk, Pavlo Denysyuk, Andrii Pukach, Seniv Marjana. Ontology Presentation Based on Rule-Planning Reasoning.
Andriy Zelinskyy, Vasyl Teslyuk, Andrii Pukach, Roman Zaharyuk. Development of program model representation of MEMS in DTDB.
Piotr Zajac, Cezary Maj, Michal Szermer, Wojciech Zabierowski, Andrzej Napieralski, Mykhaylo Lobur. Electrothermal FEM Simulation of Uncooled. Titanium-based Microbolometer.
Mykhaylo Melnyk, Vasyl Teslyuk, Andriy Kernytskyy, Michal Szermer, Wojciech Zabierowski, Piotr Zajac. Subsystem For the Computer-Aided Thermo-actuator Design.
Oleh Matviykiv, Mykhaylo Lobur, Bohdan Dmytryschyn, Oleg Faitas. Microfluidic Flow Multiscale Model for Bio-Diagnostic Lab-Chip Device.
Oleg Faitas, Oleh Matviykiv, Mykhailo Lobur. Compare Neural Networks Framework for Spectrum Classification.
Andriy Zelinskyy, Vasyl Teslyuk, Pavlo Denysyuk, Andriy Kernytskyy, Andrii Pukach, Iaroslav Vasyliuk. Development of Engineering Database for MEMS Elements.
Pavlo Tkachenko, Uliana Polishchuk, Iryna Jurchak, Oleh Kulynsky. Min-Max Criterion in the Uniform Sampling Generation Tasks.
Taras Teslyuk, Khrystyna Beregovska. Schematic Model of Climate Control Subsystem for Analysis of Intellectual Building Functioning.
Andriy Zelinskyy, Vasyl Teslyuk, Andrii Pukach, Vasyl Beregovskyi. Informational model of design database of MEMS.
Petro Kosobutskyy, Mykhaylo Lobur , Bohdan Dupak. Algorithm Application Operator Method for the Modeling of One-Dimensional Motion Cantilever of Mechanical Type.
K. Kurzydlowski, M. Lobur, O. Vashchyshyn,Ya. Romanchuk, I. Turchyn. Transient Heat Conduction Problem of a Multilayered Half-Space.
Dmytryschyn Bohdan, Oleh Matviykiv, Mykhailo Lobur. Passive T-Micromixer with Barriers for Laminar Flow.
Petro Shmigelskyi, Roman Kondratyuk. Autonomous Mobile Robot Control System Architecture. Based on Personal Computer.
Olha Dmytrash, Andriy Romanyuk. Recommendations on the IT Subjects Teaching Level Improvement for the Students of Applied Linguistics Based on the Vacancies Analysis at
Oleg Faitas, Oleh Matviykiv, Mykhailo Lobur. Neural Network for Spectrum Classification Based on Encog.
Bogdan Karkulovskyi, Vasyl Teslyuk, Andriy Kernytskyy. Application of the Diacoptic Approach in the MEMS Components Modeling.
XX Ukrainian-Polish Conference CAD in Machinery Design - Implementation and Educational Issues. Baran?w Sandomierski, 11 - 13 October 2012 Lviv, Ukraine.
Oleg Faitas, Oleh Matviykiv. Defining the Structure of the Neural Network for Spectrum Classification.
Andrzej ?ukaszewicz, Andriy Kernytskyy. CAx System as an Education Platform in Mechanical Branch.
Tetyana Sviridova. Software Metrics: What measure? How measure? Where apply?
Petro Kosobutskyy. Planning and Generating Trajectory for 5 DoF Serial. Link MCM Machine.
Vitaliy Mazur. Analysis of Passenger Flows for Planning the City Route Network.
Ihor Farmaga, Marian Lobur, Petro Shmigelskyi. Generation of Particle Reinforced Composites Models in TERMET Software.
Rostyslav Kryvyy, Serhii Tkachenko, Volodymyr Karkuljovskyy. Flight Planning Based on Genetic Algorithm.
Nazariy Jaworski, Ihor Farmaga, Piotr ?piewak. Parallelization of Advancing Front Finite Element Meshing Algorithm.
Konstantin Kolesnyk, Roman Panchak. Research of Frequency Analyze of a Mechatronics Sensor of a Manipulator.
Oleh Matviykiv, Mykhaylo Lobur, Bogdan Dmytryshyn, Oleg Faitas. Multiscale Design Methodology for Microfluidic MEMS.
Andrii Pukach, Vasyl Teslyuk, Roman-Andriy Ivantsiv, Yaroslav Vasylyuk. Development of Informational and Linguistic Support of Automatic Electrical Resistance Measuring System for MEMS.
Vitaliy Mazur, Ihor Farmaga, Petro Shmigelskyi, Uliana Marikutsa. Design of Subsystems to Study Parameters of Comfortable Rooms.
Bohdan Dmytryshyn, Oleh Matviykiv. Overview and Classification of Micromixers for Efficient Mixing in Microchannels.
Taras Paliy, Jaroslav Voloshyn, Pavlo Denysyuk, Vasyl Teslyuk. Programming Model of Mobile Robotic System Based on Arduino Controller.
Oleksandr Markelov, Mykhaylo Lobur. The Review of CAD Software in Machinery Design: Spectral Characteristics of GUI components.
Mykhaylo Melnyk, Andriy Kernytskyy, Andrzej Lukaszewicz. Development of Pattern Stabilization Algorithm.
Sergii Shatnyi, Pavlo Tymoshchuk. Neural Network Digital Hardware Implementation of Standalone Control System.
Mykhaylo Melnyk, Andriy Kernytskyy. Modification of Image Background Search Algorithm.
Serhiy Tkachenko, Inna Solomko. The Necessary Conditions for the Equivalence for the Structures of Technical Systems.
VII-th Intern. Conf. of Computer Science & Information Technologies (CSIT'2012). - Lviv. 20-24 November 2012.
Mykhaylo Andriychuk, Dmytro Chepak. Method of Arrangement of Two Coupling Circuits for Modeling the Drywall Constructions.
Vasyl Kachala, Taras Teslyuk, Pavlo Denysyuk. Model for the Automated Design of Mobile Robotic Systems using Petri Nets.
Mariia Kogut, Roman Ivanciv. Development of a model of the operative diagnostic system in real time.
Petro Kosobuckiy, Yuriy Khanas. Simulation of the Statistical Distribution Parameters Reflective Coatings Elements Single-Layered MEMS Synthesis Methods Fresnel and Monte-Carlo.
Iryna Lyalikova, Oleh Matviykiv. Analysis of Microfluidic Flow in H-shape Separator.
Oleksandr Markelov. Analytical Technique for Selecting a Tool to User Interface Prototyping.
Stepan Pelyno, Oleh Matviykiv. Developing Software Tool for Designing Custom-Oriented Tourist Routes for Android Devices.
Andrii Pukach, Vasyl Teslyuk, Roman-Andriy Ivantsiv, Pavlo Denysyuuk. Development of Technical Support of Automatic Electric Resistance Measuring System for MEMS.
Iaroslav Vasyliuk, Vasyl Teslyuk, Pavlo Denysyuk, Rostyslav Kryvyy. The Data Obtaining Method for Ontological Models.
Pavlo Denysyuk, Taras Teslyuk, Vasyl Beregovskyi, Ivan Cheremisin, Marta Duda. Neural Controller of Intelligent Building Climate Control Subsystem on the Basis of a Multilayer Perceptron.
Olga Grynyk, Pavlo Denysyuk, Vasyl Teslyuk. System for Automation Testing Components of the Smart Home.
Ihor Prots'ko, Roman Rikmas. Analysys Parallel Processing DHT using Convolution on SIMT Model.
Sergii Shatnyi, Pavlo Tymoschuk. Hardware Model Design of Artificial Neural Network Using FPGA and MCU.
Vasyl Teslyuk, Vasyl Beregovskyi, Andriy Kernytskyy, Tatyana Teslyuk, Pavlo Denysyuk, Oleksandr Moryshko. System for Building and Studying of Models Based on Artificial Neural Networks.
ХІ-th Intern. Conf. Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET'2012). - February 21-24, 2012, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine.
Vasylyuk Y. Ontology Model of Concept "Microsensor" in Microelectromechanical System.
I. Dykhta, M. Lobur, I. Farmaga, U. Marikutsa, ?. Ciupi?ski. Modeling of structure of composite material with fiber components.
I. Farmaga, M. Lobur, P. Shmigelskyi, N. Javorskyi, P. Spiewak. Inclusions by Finite Element Method. Regular and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Modeling of Spherical.
I. Farmaga, M. Lobur, P. Shmigelskyi, N. Javorskyi, P. ?piewak. Regular and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Modeling of Spherical Inclusions by Finite Element Method.
Andriy Sydor, Vasyl Teslyuk Characteristics for reliability estimation of hierarchical systems.
Dykhta, M. Lobur, I. Farmaga, U. Marikutsa, ?. Ciupi?ski. Modeling of structure of composite material with fiber components.
M. Andriychuk. Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Thin Cylinder: Asymptotic Solution.
Vasyliuk I., Teslyuk V., Denysyuk P. Ontology model of Concept "Microsensor" in microelectromechanical systems.
2nd International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists. - Kyiv, 2012.
Mariana Romanyshyn. The Algorithm of Deep Sentiment Analysis of Ukrainian Reviews. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics.
3-я Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція "Теорія і практика раціонального проектування, виготовлення і експлуатації машинобудівних конструкцій". - Львів. 2012.
В. М. Теслюк, Л. Є. Харченко. Математичне моделювання динамічних процесів у довгомірних конструкціях з рухомим межами і навантаженнями.
Міжнародна науково-практична конференція "Управління високошвидкісними рухомими об'єктами та професійна підготовка операторів складних систем". - Кіровоград, 2012.
Теслюк В. М., Харченко Л. Є. Математичне моделювання згинних коливань прямолінійної ділянки трубопроводу з урахуванням дії рухомого інтелектуального поршня.
Міжнародна наукова конференція "Інтелектуальні системи прийняття рішень і проблеми обчислювального інтелекту" (ISDMIT'2012). - Херсон: ХНТУ, 2012.
14th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET-2012), August 28-30, 2012, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
M. I. Andriychuk. Asymptotic Scattering of EM Waves by Thin Cylinders and Application.
VI Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Сучасні проблеми і досягнення в галузі радіотехніки, телекомунікацій та інформаційних технологій". - Запоріжжя: ЗНТУ, 2012.
Andrii Pukach, Vasyl Teslyuk, Roman Zaharyuk. Development of method for measured electric resistance value range determining.
Andrii Pukach, Vasyl Teslyuk, Pavlo Denysyuk. Development of small electric resistance measuring method.
Теслюк В.М., Денисюк П.Ю., Теслюк Т.В., Береговський В.В. Програмно-апаратна реалізація нейроконтролера для підсистеми клімат контролю інтелектуального будинку.
Перелік доповідей на міжнародних конференціях та симпозіумів, проведених за кордоном:
Proceedings of micromechanics and microsystems europe workshop MME-2012, September 9 - 12, Ilmenau.
I. Farmaga, O. Matviykiv, M. Lobur, P. Shmigelskyi. Thermal analysis methods for automated design of composite materials in Termet Software.
9th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NN12), July 3-6, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Petro Kosobutskyy, Yuriy Hanas. Applications of extrema envelope spectra of Fabry-Perot layers for control parameter.
2012 Fall Meeting Symposium, 2012, - Warsaw, Poland.
Petro Kosobutskyy, Yuriy Hanas. The principle of creating interferometric sensors.
XVIIth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2012), September 24-27, 2012, Tbilisi, Georgia. - Tbilisi, 2012.
M. I. Andriychuk, P. O. Savenko, M. D. Tkach. Synthesis of Plane Equidistant Array According to Power Radiation Pattern.
M. I. Andriychuk, V. P. Tkachuk. Application of Acoustic Wave Scattering on the Small Particles for the Non-destructive Testing.
Перелік доповідей на державних конференціях і симпозіумах:
II Всеукраїнська школа-семінар молодих вчених і студентів АСІТ'2012. - Тернопіль: ТНЕУ, 2012.
Теслюк В.М., Маркелов О.Е., Качала В.Б. Огляд підходів при виборі апаратно-програмних компонентів для дистанційного супроводу об'єктів.