CAD Department news

Participation in teaching mobility at the Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz

A competition has been announced for participation in teaching mobility at the Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz (Bydgoszcz, Poland) within the framework of the Erasmus+KA1 program

Number of places – 1

As part of the Erasmus+KA1 program, in accordance with the terms of the project, teachers of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" are invited: computer science to give lectures at the Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz for 1 week

The Department of Automated Control Systems is responsible for the agreement

Deadline for submitting applications: February 24, 2025

30.11.24 XXXII International Scientific Conference CADMD 2024

On November 28-30, 2024, the XXXII International Scientific Conference "CAD in Machine Design: Issues of Implementation and Training" (CADMD 2024) was held. The conference was organized by the Department of Automated Design Systems of the Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University in partnership with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Białystok Polytechnic, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics of the Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy, and the Faculty of Construction Engineering of the Warsaw Polytechnic.

The event brought together leading scientists from Poland, Ukraine and the Republic of North Macedonia, who presented about 30 in-depth reports aimed at solving modern challenges in the field of computer science and design information technologies. The conference became a platform for sharing experience, discussing advanced ideas and strengthening international scientific cooperation.

According to the results of the conference, the articles will be published in the journal "Computer-Aided Design Systems: Theory and Practice", which is an authoritative scientific publication in the field of automated design and will ensure the wide distribution of research results among the international scientific community, will contribute to the integration of participants' ideas into modern engineering solutions and will serve as an incentive for further research and implementation in the field of CAD technologies.

29.03.24 Open Day 2024

On March 29, 2024, the CDS Department will host an Open Day, where applicants will be able to familiarize themselves with the professor-teaching staff, prospects for the department's development, specialized areas of specialization, the latest classrooms and equipment, and get all the comprehensive information about admission to Lviv Polytechnic University " in 2024.

The meeting will be held on March 29 on the Zoom platform under the call:https://us05web.

Meeting ID: 857 4498 4203

Passcode: 8C9xgH

Don't miss it! We are waiting for you!

#department_CDS, #ICNI, #NU "Lviv Polytechnic"

19.05.23 Lviv Science Festival OL

On May 13, the SAP Department in cooperation with Lviv Open Lab visited the Lviv Science Festival OL.

The VReali master class was held at the festival, where you could hear about modern VR technologies and how they work, as well as the VR application The Lab, which implements most of the technologies for interaction with virtual reality, was demonstrated.

Among the large number of tents at the festival, you could also visit the first tent of the SAP Department, where you could try VR glasses in action. And you could also see a 3D printer and a 3D scanner.

The science festival OL is organized by the youth space for popularization of science and STEAM education Lviv Open Lab from the network of youth spaces CREATE!

26.04.23 Open Day 2023

On April 26, 2023, an open day was held at the SAP Department. Leading teachers and engineers of the department were present at the meeting with future applicants. The young people were introduced to the prospects of the department's development, the profile areas of specialties, the newest classrooms and equipment.

Photo report on Open Day

#department_SAP, #ICNI, #NU "Lviv Polytechnic"

04.07.23 Meeting with the SAP Department

The SAP Department invites everyone to the meeting, which will take place on April 26 at 10:00 a.m., 4 educational building, NU "Lviv Polytechnic", auditorium. 325.

Don't miss it! We are waiting for you!

#department_SAP, #ICNI, #NU "Lviv Polytechnic"

02.12.22 XXX International Polish-Ukrainian CADMD Conference.

On December 1-2, the jubilee XXX International Polish-Ukrainian Conference "CAD IN MACHINE DESIGN" was held. ISSUES OF IMPLEMENTATION AND TRAINING" CADMD 2022, organized by the Department of Automated Design Systems of the Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" together with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics of the Stanislav Staszyc Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Białystok Polytechnic and the Institute of Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering in Warsaw polytechnics According to the results of the conference, more than twenty reports and presentations were heard in the field of computer science and design information technologies.

Read more

16.10.22 Ceremonial opening of the educational laboratory (building 323 4).

On October 12, the Department of Automated Design Systems held a ceremonial opening of the educational laboratory, which was renovated and equipped by the IT company Sombra.

The rector of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ph.D., prof. Bobalo Y. Ya., and the general director of the Sombra company. The head of the Department of Automated Design Systems, Prof. Mykhailo Lobur, first vice-rector Oleg Matviykiv, technical director of the Sombra firm Yuriy Nakonechny, marketing manager of the Sombra firm Kuziv Myroslava, director of the Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies prof. Mykola Medikovsky, as well as students and employees of the department.

Read more

14.09.22The CAD Department held a ceremonial opening of the 2022/2023 academic year for the first course.

The opening ceremony was conducted by the director of the IKNI institute, prof. Mykola Medikovskii, after which the deputy head of the department for scientific work, associate professor Mykhailo Melnyk, made a presentation about the Department of Automated Design Systems. The deputy director for scientific and pedagogical work, associate professor Marikutsa Ulyana Bohdanivna, told about the peculiarities of studying at the Lviv Polytechnic and behavior during alarm signals.

Once again, we congratulate the students of the first year of the specialty - 122 Computer Science "Educational program - design and programming of intelligent systems and devices" on the start of their studies and wish them success in their studies and peace. The military is fighting for our future at the front, and you have to fight for it within the walls of the Lviv Polytechnic National University by successfully studying.

Lists of first-year students

10.09.22 International scientific conference MEMSTECH'2022

From the 7th to the 10th of September, the CAD department, despite the difficult times we live in, held the MEMSTECH'2022 international scientific conference online. We appreciate the participants who made presentations. and we hope that MEMSTECH'2022 was interesting and useful for every participant.

27.01.22 A set of articles in the special issue “Design, Simulation and New Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”

Dear colleagues! The collection of articles in the special issue "Design, Simulation and New Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" ("Design, simulation and new applications of unmanned aerial vehicles") of the publishing house MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) has begun.

Read detailed information about the release here or at official MDPI site.

11.12.21 XXIX International Polish-Ukrainian CADMD Conference

On December 9-10, the XXIX International Polish-Ukrainian Conference "CAD IN MACHINE DESIGN" was held. PERFORMANCE AND EDUCATIONAL ISSUES" under the patronage of the Rector of the Stanislav Stashits Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Professor Jerzy Lis, organized by the Department of Automated Design Systems of the Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic, together with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics of the Stanislav Stashits Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Białystok Polytechnic and the Institute of Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering of the Warsaw Polytechnic. According to the results of the conference, about thirty reports and presentations were heard in the field of computer science and information technologies of design.